can you do my homework

can you do my homework

The Importance of Completing Homework

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1. Benefits of Homework

Homework can have many significant benefits. The work that students do in class has so much value; homework augments the work done during the day. This is designed so that students can build on what they have learnt. It is useful for expanding students’ knowledge. Homework also teaches students to be responsible, managing their time well and being organised. Homework is also something that prepares students well for tests. Completing homework enables students to work on what they have learnt in order to ensure that they have a full understanding of the task. This is likely to increase the likelihood of the student remembering what they have learnt in class. More schoolwork completed also increases learning productivity. Homework also has additional benefits, for example preparing students for using their new time management and organisational skills in further education and future jobs. Homework is a useful tool teachers can use to teach their students an array of skills. These are discipline, time management, perseverance, self-esteem, good study habits and independent problem solving. With homework being the bridge that connects the work done in school and a student’s home life, it is the perfect way for a student to learn an enduring lesson.

2. How Homework Enhances Learning

It’s important to know how homework enhances learning because it is the evidence of what the students have learned in class. If the student has not learned the topic at school, they will not be able to complete the homework given related to that topic. When this is the case, it is actually a good opportunity for the student to learn. If they are having trouble with the work at school, they can see homework as a further explanation or, better, a second chance to learn that topic. When students have understanding, they are able to complete the assignment given correctly. This definitely supports the notion that homework is a chance at a more in-depth learning of the topic. In addition, students learning a second language may not have a lot of exposure to their native tongue outside of the classroom. This is especially true of immigrants who have just moved to an English-speaking country. In this case, the student will lose some of what they have learned in class due to it not being reinforced at home. By completing English homework, the student will be able to understand and remember what they have learned in class from that day. This will help the student immensely to retain the information.

3. Strategies for Effective Homework Completion

Following purposeful homework, assign a specified amount of time to complete homework. In our research, we have found that giving an average of 15 minutes per grade level is effective in ensuring that the student is not overwhelmed. High school students on average should be spending about 1-2 hours per subject per night. If a student is spending an excessive amount of time on homework, this is a clear indication that the assignments are not understanding. This is not to say that the others are not capable of doing so, highly effective homework is a necessary teacher expectation. High school students biology homework questions could be an example of this. If the teacher only told the students to study the life cycle and test their knowledge in class the following day, this is quite vague. If the teacher knew that there was a mass confusion on the difference of asexual reproduction and regeneration from the previous days lesson, then giving a specific assignment to look up information on this topic would be effective. The teacher would then get the results that she was looking for and it would be less time consuming on the students than a general study assignment. A goal of improving homework completion is to only have to assign work one time. At a later date, ask for it to be retrieved and use it to test understanding. This scaffolding idea often can lead to higher order thinking. Ask students to complete an assignment, they may receive info from the internet or another student. This is discouraged but many students do not see the harm in this. If you then take the assignment away from them and ask them to do a similar assignment again in a few weeks time, using only their knowledge from class. The results that you get the second time around will likely be an improvement. Re-do the assignment yet again at a later date and have them compare the two assignments and discuss the differences, this exercise will promote critical thinking and metacognition. A comparison of the time periods spent on the three assignments would also likely yield an improvement as less time will likely be spent retrieving the assignment as the students takes over new info is in short term memory.

4. Overcoming Homework Challenges

Teachers have an impact on helping students when facing homework challenges. It is not only hard for the student, but the teacher also faces challenges when having to teach students to complete homework. Discipline is one of the ways to guide a student when facing homework challenges. Teachers put in rules with long-run effects on students doing their homework. Students may find it irritating at first, but they would later realize the importance of the discipline inflicted. Teachers can also guide students by reflecting on what was done in the classroom in relevance to homework. If a student has challenges doing homework, it may be due to a lack of understanding of what was taught. Parents would be the ones who are to monitor these challenges. They would have to have interaction with the teachers to keep updated with their child’s challenges and find a way to get the teacher to help the student. They would also have to find ways to motivate and persuade the child to overcome their challenges. This would require a good understanding of their child’s interests and eventually having to create an interest in what the child is learning in relevance to the homework given. This can be done in the form of a reward if homework is done. A good example could be, “If you complete this homework of understanding Algebra, I’ll take you to the toy store to buy you something you like.” However, parents should also understand that not all children need external motivation. They may want to find a way that their child can discover their happiness from the “achievement”.

Despite the various advantages homework can give, it can also be complex and challenging to get done. This can be done via the student, teacher, and parent. Willingness and self-motivation are two of the most important factors for success when facing homework challenges. Without the willingness to change or find a better way, a student would not be able to overcome homework challenges. Willingness is also important when one decides to ask for help. They must swallow their pride and ask teachers or friends to guide them with their struggles. Self-motivation is important because it is the drive to achieve something. This can be self-taught or guided. When self-taught, a student does something out of interest and happiness, wanting to learn more. This happiness is the result of achievement. A student can also be guided to self-teach. This is where a teacher or parent finds a way to lead the student onto a path where some sort of homework is now seen as a challenge, but as an achievement if done and completed to the best of their abilities.

5. Conclusion: Homework as a Path to Success

You may have read too much into the quantity of homework your child receives. Just as important as the quality of the assignments is your perception of them. If we want to reach the goals we have set for our children, we must start by assessing the levels of learning and depth of understanding that we expect from them. As we have said earlier, the key to the homework’s effect was the student’s perception of whether the work was “doable” and if the assignments were the right type of task for them to learn the material that had been taught that day. This coincides with our earlier discussion on the large gap in both rigor and relevance in high school classes. It was the task comprehension on the part of the student that had the greatest effect on assignment completion and the positive effect of homework on student achievement. If we ensure that the homework is a task that is directed at teaching the material on a level that is clear and that the assignment is one that the student is able to do because they fully understand what is being asked, homework can then become an adaptive tool.

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