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can someone do my homework

The Importance of Completing Homework Assignments

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1. Benefits of Homework

A student who works is unable to complete homework regularly. The student’s scores on the assignment mostly indicate failing. The student was not receiving the necessary information because the instructor was unable to give all the assignments. Often times it was just too difficult to give the assignment within the given time constraints. If the assignment was given verbally, the student might not have been able to write it down completely and thereby received wrong or incomplete information. At the beginning of the next class, the instructor was able to clarify information that the student did not understand and was required to give the assignment again. This had taken up more time, but the instructor felt the need to validate the assignment’s requirements and the student had missed the explanation the first time. By completing homework assignments, the student in this case learned more with less instructor’s time, and the student’s performance increased.

2. Developing Time Management Skills

Building on that, is the idea to prioritize your various tasks. Usually your homework assignments will be the least of your worries. They are not always high in importance or urgency. If you have any other regular commitments, plan around them and allow extra time where you need for harder tasks. And once again, always give yourself some free time before the due date. You wouldn’t believe how often people forget to do this step and stress themselves out right before their task! But the most important thing to learn about time management is being able to compromise with yourself. There’s no point making a plan if you do not intend to follow it. But the key to success is being able to balance around your initial plans. You should be able to decide ‘it’s a bad idea for me to continue doing this now’ and fit some free time in elsewhere. And in dire times, it’s okay to change a task deadline if it does not matter a great deal. But avoid making a habit of it!

Of course, there is always something for you guys to do. Honestly, it’s true. And often, it’s very hard to understand. At school and still in my job. But being able to manage your time is a valuable skill I’ve learned. Everyone always has something due today but it’s so tempting to put it off until later. The key is to force yourself to learn when important times are. How much time do you have to finish it? When is it due? You should mentally decide how to spread your time across the days. It’s never a good idea to do a whole chunk in one day, after all thought and time has gone into an assignment it is likely to be of a higher standard. And most importantly, give yourself some free time before the due date. People that leave things to the last minute often leave themselves no choice but to do a bad job. Who’s the wiser, them or the person who didn’t do the homework?

3. Enhancing Learning and Retention

The effectiveness of homework is continuously supported through higher achievement. Students who do their homework and succeed at school through using higher cognitive skills attain a deeper understanding of material, therefore demonstrating more favourable results. Marc Sanders, Head of mathematics at St. Richard Gwyn Catholic High School, Flint, shares his views on the positive connection between homework and higher order thinking, hoping that students will use the homework to promote independent learning and develop their deeper understanding of the concept. He says, “If they are learning about a particular topic, they can extend their learning by doing some wider reading, take some notes, and then perhaps introduce it to the rest of the class so that they fully understand it.” Higher achieving students will have the possibility of going beyond the teacher’s explanations and are able to learn by discovering new things and reorganising what they know to form new ideas. This active process will in turn change their memory and have an effect on their ability to retrieve information. An experiment conducted by Marzano and Pickering in 2007 explored the effects of homework on long-term knowledge. Two groups of students were studied who were reading about the same topic at school. One group was assigned homework involving higher cognitive levels activities and the other group’s homework was to be reading material from the next day’s lesson.

Allocating time to complete homework, in contrast to time spent on class work, provides students with the opportunity to strengthen skills learned in the classroom. Homework is an important link between home and school and serves as a window through which parents can observe the education of their children, states an Oxford Learning report. Completing homework in order to achieve better understanding actually strengthens the skills the student learned in class. This is true for students at the elementary level. When they complete their homework, children have the chance to work further on a new concept introduced that day in class. For example, they can go back to the explanation from the teacher and re-read it, re-writing the explanation in their own words to reinforce meaning. The student has now practiced the skill at school and has practiced it again at home. It’s the practice effect of homework and the level of difficulty involved that’s so crucial, states the report. Practice gives students the chance to review and use the skills they’re learning. A common myth is that learning occurs primarily at school. Hopefully your child is learning a great deal at school, but the learning process doesn’t end there.

4. Fostering Responsibility and Independence

Completing homework will encourage independence, as students are left to complete tasks on their own and away from the teacher’s control. This will challenge them to draw from their past knowledge in order to complete the task, thus fostering good study habits and methods. Completing homework assignments will also allow them to work through problems at their own pace; giving up is seldom an option. In addition to teaching children to be independent, homework also teaches children to take responsibility for their part in the educational process.

Homework provides children with time to put the skills and knowledge that they have learned in the classroom into practice. It is an important time for children to develop self-discipline and good study habits, ultimately making them more responsible – a vital life skill to have. Children who complete homework successfully are able to demonstrate to themselves that they can complete a task. This, in turn, will teach them the importance of meeting work deadlines as well as managing and planning time effectively. Teachers have high expectations for children completing homework, and if they are able to successfully achieve the high standards, they will carry this good habit with them into adult life.

5. Improving Academic Performance

Completing homework assignments as well as actually turning them in on time have more positive effects on everyone involved in your education than just receiving a good grade. As mentioned before, good grades are obviously the most direct impact of better understanding course material and raising your GPA is a short-term benefit which has long-term effects. Receiving a better GPA can qualify you for scholarships, boost financial aid, and make you a more attractive candidate for jobs after graduating college. People with good grades are what employers are looking for; it shows them that the potential job candidate learned the material for their major, and they’re going to think critically to find innovative solutions to problems in their field. Homework assignments can also help you to discover your mistakes on certain topics when it comes time to take tests. There’s no shame in looking up the answer to a difficult question and comparing it to your solution or asking someone who may know. If there’s a particular topic that is confusing and there is no tutor available, email is a very efficient means of communication. Having identified issues, you can then bring them to the teacher or a tutor and clarify misconceptions, with the ultimate goal of improving your performance on tests or quizzes about the same material. Remember that the better you understand material during the actual school year, the less you have to re-learn and study for it when standardized tests and finals come around.

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