can ai rewrite my essay

can ai rewrite my essay

Can AI Rewrite My Essay?

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1. Introduction

As students at any level of education may know, essay writing is an important and challenging part of the curriculum. The essays required may cover a wide range of topics and can be closely related to the student’s other coursework. An essay can be informative, argumentative, analytical, among other types. Writing strategies, as well as writing for different audiences, are also emphasized. Although lengthy writing assignments on a specific topic may be easy, the abstract assignment is often more difficult. It is at this point that a student must ask whether or not AI (Artificial Intelligence) can rewrite an essay. When a student seeks to rewrite an existing essay, the essay’s topic may be simple or complex. The methods used to express the topic will undoubtedly vary and the more complex the essay, the more the student is likely to change in the process of rewriting. Although the student’s ability to change the essay may be a factor, the main concern is whether or not the changes made will affect the essay’s overall quality. An AI rewrite of an essay could be useful for students at all levels of education. Complex abstract topics are often assigned in high school and college. Depending on the student’s familiarity with the topic, the quality of the essay may vary. Likewise, unfamiliarity with the topic may result in an essay that does not meet the student’s academic level. In both cases, the student may understand the changes that are needed to enhance the essay, but can do so with great difficulty. In the case of the former, the student’s desired changes to the essay may be beyond what they are capable of writing, while the latter student may find it hard to improve the essay due to a lack of topic comprehension. In both cases, an AI rewrite may act as a supplement to the student’s writing ability by making the changes that the student is unable to do. In the best-case scenario, the AI rewrite will result in an essay that is improved from the original and easily comprehensible to the student. From the computer science perspective, the task of rewriting an essay so that it is improved and retains the same meaning is a Natural Language Processing problem. Which is to automatically and intelligently improve data that is given to it. Consider a simpler problem where a non-native student asks their English professor to look over an essay they have written. The goal is to have the professor point out mistakes and make changes to the essay so that it improves, while retaining the same meaning that the student intended. This is much akin to the AI essay rewrite. In a more realistic sense, an AI rewrite involves the use of a tool such as a thesaurus and simple sentence rearrangement, to more complex methods involving deep learning and text generation. It is evident that the more complex methods will result in better rewrites given the current AI capability, but tools using these methods are also harder to come by.

Can AI rewrite my essay?

2. Benefits of AI in Essay Rewriting

Authenticating the rewritten text As AI integrates with global connectivity and an abundance of published data available, it is apparent that essay rewriting through the use of AI will provide a higher level of authenticity. By using intelligent machine learning techniques, it is possible to compare your current essay to other similar documents found online. Google’s new “Search by Image” and Google Goggles technology can already obtain information or identify places by their visuals. In time, this same visual recognition will be applied to essays. By taking a “picture” of a segment of text, the AI will be able to extrapolate similar documents from the internet and perform a comparative analysis on the level of authenticity in the rewritten segment. This process will certainly eliminate the chance of students paraphrasing poorly or rewording sentences using only a thesaurus.

3. Limitations of AI in Essay Rewriting

There are several limitations to consider when deciding whether to use an AI essay rewriter. Most of these stem from the fact that the AI is not human, and that it doesn’t understand anything – it simply looks at patterns and tries to replicate them. Most AI essay rewrite services are based on a thesaurus or a spin of a thesaurus. Whilst this can be effective for simple sentences, the more complex sentences and sentence structures are more likely to be lost in translation. This is because the AI may switch a word for a synonym, but in the new word’s context the sentence may not make sense. Imagine this sentence: “The vast array of flavours coupled with the ease of cooking make stir fries an excellent choice for dinner.” Using a thesaurus, it may switch vast for wide, or array for selection. This will change the meaning of the sentence even if it’s only slightly, and repeated translation in this way can completely warp the sentence’s meaning. Phrase repetition is a common issue. An AI translation of a sentence “Do you know where I can buy some milk?” into “Where can it be said by me to purchase a quantity of the white substance” shows how far off track the sentence can end up. Finally, idioms, similes and metaphors can be lost on the AI. These are classic examples of where human understanding can help to distinguish the most appropriate translation of a sentence. Due to the nature of these sayings, a direct translation will always sound slightly odd, even in the context of the new sentence.

4. Considerations when Using AI to Rewrite Essays

Nearly all the concerns highlighted in the previous section on using AI to rewrite essays have been addressed, and there is substantial evidence from our experiences of using automated rewording where its success rate has been fairly high. AI automated rewrites will always save time compared to a manual rewrite, and the low costs at around 1 cent per word or sometimes free greatly outweigh the risks. From our experience using various rewording tools, AI or otherwise, we have never lost the original essay, and the final result has always been achievable through further editing or retrial of the rewording. Although in many cases it has not been successful, this was usually due to selecting inappropriate options on the user’s behalf.

This section of the paper offers some suggestions on the usage of AI for rewriting, which might be very useful for those who want to improve their skills to receive higher grades or complete work faster. Most often, if you are not satisfied with the result of the automated rewriting, you may need to do some final editing to the essay. Sometimes, you choose to automatically rewrite a single sentence because manual editing is only available for that sentence. Step 4 would be effectively done on a revised copy ‘on file’ and doing a ‘file compare’ to update any changes would essentially be effective. So, there is an expectation that you may need to combine the revision with the original of that one sentence. You should examine the context of the rewrite in similar situations to ensure it does not sound awkward or the meaning may need to be reworded, and make sure there is an option to switch between the old and new. This is a perfect situation where the specificity of an AI rewrite can be useful, as it is not worth spending five times as long to manually rewrite it to achieve the same result.

5. Conclusion

We have shown that monolingual source texts can be rewritten for an MT system’s output language to be evaluated by humans in the output language using relatively inexpensive unmonitored methods. This demonstrates the feasibility of an approach to MT evaluation that is hard to achieve for monolingual methods, i.e. evaluating the output in the output language. Furthermore, by offering a means to evaluate translations to multiple languages that is much cheaper than creating multiple human references for a source text, this approach might enable comparative evaluations of MT systems on many target languages. It is also interesting that simply asking human evaluators to guess the source text after reading a translation can provide a useful evaluation method. Finally, the results of the WIKI task are worth attention. Although the translation between related languages is relatively unchallenging for existent MT systems, they are often not able to translate text to a high standard and there are no existing large scale evaluations comparing translations to all possible target languages.

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