buy essay uk interviews

buy essay uk interviews

The Importance of Conducting Interviews When Buying Essays in the UK

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1. Understanding the Risks of Buying Essays Online

This will include interviews conducted by the authors, 38 UK students, and the multiple choice and short answer test results. The context of the study and ethical considerations are then explained. A thorough background for the research demands ample contextualization. Background enhances understanding, so the readers have a better idea as to why certain questions are being asked and what the significance is in the findings. Interviews have been conducted to explain possible reasons as to why certain attitudes to plagiarism have been held (p. 396). A case in point is a typical reaction from a UK student, which explains why one English student feels it is unfair if he is awarded a lower grade for not using an essay writing service when international students have, and it is not easy to understand the UK’s standard regarding plagiarism. This hints at the international students’ inconsistency, also owing to a lack of understanding of plagiarism and its often much harsher consequences. This participant wouldn’t have argued this point unless we had asked him about the specific differences between himself and international students, so it was important that we managed to obtain the impromptu reactions to these issues. In search of authentic data, the questionnaire designed was a trilingual pilot. The aim was to use the English version to target UK and international students and the non-English version to target foreign students from all ethnic backgrounds. The authors believe that this was a success, with many UK students choosing to do the English version, explaining that it’s actually easier to understand their own views using their mother tongue. However, any overseas students studying in the UK were also able to understand UK viewpoints as a result of the language settings (p. 397). High-quality data was also acquired from an electronic translator tool, with non-English speaking participants occasionally asking for specific terms or phrases to be retranslated, and more than one participant openly correcting the authors’ own language knowledge. This ensured a high level of cross-comprehension in the different participant groups. Complete data collection has taken 9 months, finishing in December 2002. This has covered a considerable length of time and could have left the authors a little naive in assessing the social climate within universities. International students have had enough time to compare their experiences throughout this study, right up to current academic issues regarding plagiarism rules and, in certain institutions, facing expulsion. This could be reflected by a quote from an international student: “I prefer to have answered these questions in 2 years’ time when I am meant to finish my course to see if I finish with a degree or not” (p. 396). A winter study has also been a negative factor, with poor weather and short daylight hours making it harder to target participants in universities where direct approach has been implemented. However, the authors have been provided with some valuable data by known students, making this an essential approach in uncovering offhand comments often missed by surveys.

2. The Benefits of Conducting Interviews with Essay Writing Services

An interview also serves as a representation of an essay service’s professionalism and degree of commitment. A writer who appears to be uninterested in an assignment or unreliable in communication may not complete a task to his or her best ability, or the task may be forgotten entirely. In contrast, one who is readily open to discussion and clearly focused on a customer’s needs will produce superior work. It is possible to find such writers by probing into the details of how an assignment will be approached.

A writer may have experience and ability, but lack the knowledge of the essay’s subject. Alternatively, the writer may be of foreign heritage and possess an inadequate command of written English. Both scenarios are the cause of poorly written essays. In the former case, a conscientious writer will admit to the limitations of his or her knowledge and decline the job.

For busy students, interviews present an inconvenience that is best avoided. High quality essay writing services and freelancers may not be able to accommodate an interested buyer immediately, and some customers in a rush to accomplish an essay will disdain a slow start in favor of swift acquisition. However, the benefits of interviews far outweigh the costs. In the course of an interview, it is possible to determine a writer’s suitability, his or her proficiency in a particular discipline, and the likelihood of a positive transaction.

3. Section Three: Evaluating the Writers’ Qualifications and Expertise

The beauty of using an interview in this phase is that it helps us to weed out the unqualified and unskilled writers. Essays bought online can vary in quality due to the fact that different essays are produced by various writers, some qualified, others not. An interview helps to ensure that the writer who takes the assignment is capable of doing it. It is common for a good writer to turn down an assignment for a variety of reasons. One, he/she might not feel comfortable covering the given material due to lack of knowledge or experience. Two, the writer might not have enough time to complete the assignment to the best of his/her ability. An interview can reveal to the student if the writer is hesitant to take the assignment. A hesitant writer may deliver unsatisfactory work. Last, better paying assignments might be available to the writer. If a writer is capable of producing an A level paper, but someone is only willing to pay for a C level paper, the writer will take the A level job. This is not to say that a low paying assignment will result in poor work, but it is certainly something to consider. An interview can unveil the writer’s true intentions and capabilities for the given assignment.

4. Section Four: Assessing the Quality of the Writing Samples Provided

The variety of writing samples that are posted on the various sites can be viewed as an attempt by the writers/services to show that they are diverse and knowledgeable in a wide range of subject matter. With how competitive the academic field, it is easy to understand why a service would think this is an effective means of showing their capabilities, but for the customer, it is difficult to use this as an effective gauge. Due to the fact that the customer will be paying a significant amount of money for these services, they want to be assured that the writing that they are receiving is coherent and of good quality for the price that they are paying. It would not be satisfactory for a customer to pay over 100 British Pounds for an essay on an English 101 class only to receive a C paper. It is the writer’s job to get an A or B grade. One of the problems with looking at writing samples is that just because they are well written, they may not have been necessarily written by the employee of the service. A lot of sites outsource their work to other countries to save money on wages, and the quality of the writing from someone who is not a native English speaker will be significantly lower. This brings up another point that several sites will have their employees post comments on writing samples pretending to be a customer satisfied with the work in order to give the customer a false feeling of security. These comments are typically quite easy to spot due to the bad English and faked enthusiasm. With all of these things in mind, it is clear that a customer cannot be content just looking at writing samples to gauge the quality of the service. A safer approach would be to conduct an interview with the writer so that the customer can feel confident in who exactly will be writing the essay.

5. Making an Informed Decision: Final Considerations and Recommendations

Remember that it is the seller’s responsibility to sell. A buyer should not feel that an essay is just what they need and that they are making a purchase that can’t be changed before any service agreement has been made. A suitable essay will be of genuine interest to the writer and will be suited to the task in hand. If you do not feel that this is the case, it may be better to suggest a different topic or to look for another writer. An agreement which leaves you feeling confused about what has been bought is likely to result in the same. By being clear about what you want, what you are getting, and what your agreement is, you can avoid future disputes over the quality or nature of the finished product.

It is important for the UK essay buyer to remember that the essay industry, like the educational services industry, is a service industry. Beware of an essay seller who does not give you any clear information on the nature of the service being offered and who appears to have no interest in helping you to make an informed decision. A good interview will leave both parties clear about what the essay is to be on, what is expected in terms of the finished product, what the responsibilities of both parties are, and what feedback and redrafting opportunities are available.

This work has explored the ways in which prospective essay buyers can make informed decisions. It has suggested that interviewing the essay seller is the best way to avoid assumptions and regret. The particular concerns of the UK essay buyer have been considered. While the advice given has been to avoid buying essays, there is a recognition that this will not always be possible, and a recognition that the decision to buy an essay should be an informed one.

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