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The Importance of Ethical Essay Writing Services

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1. The Consequences of Using Unethical Essay Writing Services

Consequences of using unethical essay writing services There are several consequences to using an essay writing service that is not custom and that ultimately delivers you a paper that is less than satisfactory. All forms of copying are frowned upon by the various professors of all institutions. Whether you are copying a table or a paragraph from the internet, it is estimated that more than half of students in the UK have copied something from the internet for either their own work or for a friend. This acts as a foundation for more dire consequences. If a student is found copying work from the internet, it is more than likely that it will result in a zero on the assignment. If the assignment is worth a small percentage of your grade then the impacts of this can be insurmountable. Any sort of copying is classified as plagiarism and can result in zero credit on the assignment or instant failure of the course. A single incidence of plagiarism can result in the student’s expulsion from the school. With so many possible negative outcomes, the terrible ones are often overshadowed. Most essay writing service companies have a myriad of different services. One of the more popular services is the last minute assignment service where the student can send in a detailed assignment to a high achieving student who can complete the work in a few hours. This is typically a hit or miss service as there are no guarantees on the quality of the work. It is expected that most of these last minute assignments are written rather poorly, often being completed by students who are also cramming in their own school work. The student who ordered the assignment is then the victim of the consequences. Any shoddy assignment that was turned in for credit that resulted in a poor grade was quite simply a waste of money. In a highly demanding academic environment, a student who is desperate for a solution is often left with no better alternative than to search for essay writing services. With a plethora of possible consequences stemming from not only using these services but from using the more unethical ones, it is more beneficial to simply sharpen the student’s writing skills and nurture the culture of integrity and academic honesty. This is ultimately a student’s best offense and defense against the potential consequences of essay writing services.

2. The Benefits of Choosing a Reliable and Trustworthy Essay Writing Service

Buying an essay from a reliable writing service is a convenient and efficient solution for many students who may find themselves in a certain academic bind. Oftentimes students are just too busy to write their own essay or maybe they are running short on time. Writing services can offer an effective solution for these students. This will not affect many different kinds of students in a negative way, and it is hard to argue against the fact that purchasing an essay or extended research paper can greatly help a struggling student find higher success in their education.

When using an essay writing service, provide all the details of what the essay is about, and what is needed within the essay. All of these details will be carefully recorded by your writer and will ensure that when your essay is written you will receive the perfect representation of what you intended for. A benefit of using a trustworthy, proven essay writing service is knowing that your essay will be written by someone who is entirely knowledgeable about your topic and has the capabilities and resources necessary to create a high-quality essay. A professional writer will be much more knowledgeable and qualified to write about a specific topic, and it is a given that they will follow through with your assignment with more insight.

One of the biggest advantages of using an essay writing service is that reputable companies only hire professional and experienced writers. These companies have extremely high standards for their employees, a writer cannot simply pick up work at the local fast food restaurant and start writing for an essay writing service. Companies only hire writers who are educated and capable of producing quality work. Most have writers who have a graduate degree and are knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics. Furthermore, many reputable essay writing companies are very selective about their hiring process.

3. How to Identify a Legitimate Essay Writing Service

The presence on the web that commonly predominates the issue of ethics more lightly than at any time in the past has caused an inclination in shifting accountability – ethics is increasingly being conceived more as a matter of socially accepted behavior than moral/immoral behavior. This shift of disposition in the face of restoring ethics appears to be facilitating permissiveness without any need to feel disgrace for doing wrong, thus making it a necessary procedure to result in a self-regulated awareness to know what is right and wrong, as the services themselves certainly won’t remind you. Which brings us to what has ethics got to do with the essay industry? Unfortunately, although they tend to deny it, most clients buying from essay writing services are doing so because of desperation and at that time with exams right around the corner and assignments with a near due date. The provision of essays online therefore provides much convenience to those who desire to save time and gain easy marks, however, learning the ethics of the easiest way to success often has its temptations – the diligent strive to write a quality paper is often contested and it is not uncommon that the tempted student will decide to cut corners. At this point, a clear distinction needs to be made between what exactly constitutes a legitimate as well as an illegitimate essay. In today’s cheats’ charter generation, of fast internet and a need for instant gratification, it has become common knowledge that anything pasted and copied is a means to success. This of course is not the fault of the essay services who are services depending on the requests of their clients, however, the clients are themselves who deserve the right punishment graduating toward simple and plain plagiarism where a student employs another’s paper as one’s own. Lower on the scale, the temptation to purchase “model” essays is more appealing to the clients with stated English as a second language. These students often need clearer understanding of a higher graded paper and the model of the service’s country’s native will be a clear example of what is required. Regrettably, quite often the student will instead pass the paper off as his/her own direct work thinking to change a few words here and there in a bid to make it less conspicuous. In any case, the student has deliberated to take the easier option with someone else’s work to attain comparable if not the same results. Placing into higher regard, the issues of politics and public affairs regarding writing university “entrance” exams on scoring a place on courses are seeing a large use from students said to be most clear expertise of the subjects they are writing on in an effort to avoid waste of time. The line is a hazy one but, considering it all, it constitutes a general detraction from the morals of the saying that one should earn the place he is entitled to.

4. The Role of Academic Integrity in Essay Writing

The change in perception towards essay writing can be linked to the use of digital technologies for various other academic tasks. Park (2003), found that Malaysian University students had more positive attitudes towards utilizing IT to complete academic tasks, and that the machine-based form of learning and instruction was an acceptable permutation to traditional means. This indicates that the use of computers and the internet as a form of learning is very socially acceptable for today’s students but when propelled to use these means to produce written assignments many students will cross into counterfeit behavior. With less and less students in the proper mindset to produce essay works, it is making it harder to foster the use of good ethics. Doing a good piece of written work is a mental accomplishment, Park and Kerr (1990) defined cheating as taking an alternative path for desired results, and in the current day the most desired result for a student is the achievement of a qualification with the least effort possible.

While Swed (2003) was uncovering confusion, some students simply didn’t consider the use of someone else’s work as dishonest. McCabe and Trevino (1996) conducted a study at Rutgers University in New Jersey, in this study students were asked to confidentially whether they had cheated in a series of academic tasks. 41% of students admitted to copying a few sentences from a written source without citation and 2 out of 3 said that these tasks were not cheating. These student views indicate an erosion of value placed on academic tasks, and that any form of cheating is still cheating, even if it has become socially acceptable to some.

Swed (2003) stated that there was a clear message conveyed from both students and faculty about their lack of understanding about the term plagiarism. Swed discovered that most students did not understand the term and those that did, felt that the term did not apply to them. The faculty surveyed felt that while plagiarism was a serious issue, they had little understanding of how to address the issue (p. 37).

Plagiarism is an issue that affects many students and institutions. It often occurs because many people are unclear of what it is and the boundaries to avoiding it. On this matter, Thomas and Scott (2016) commented by saying “The internet and the transition to digital libraries has greatly simplified the problem any student now has access to vast amounts of textual information” (p. 807). Although it has become simpler to access information, it has also become simpler to plagiarize. Simple because they can cut and paste information, and simpler because it is more difficult to detect plagiarism due to digital libraries and databases.

5. The Long-Term Impact of Ethical Essay Writing on Personal and Professional Development

Sometimes even with degrees, many academics will still struggle to write an essay to the same high standard as expected of a student. If a high calibre essay is expected of the academic, then it would be worth considering employing the help of a professional with the same methods students could use.

To put it simply, in the real world, time is money. Many graduates consider how long it will take to pay off their debts which can be quite overwhelming. By having learned the skills to write high-quality, academic essays which achieve a desired result in a short period time, the graduate can then use these skills to effectively raise their standard of performance and achieve the same desired results in their given profession of work whether it be to raise public awareness of an important issue, or grant applications for funding. This effectively increases the potential of their work achieving good results, good money and overall higher job satisfaction.

Going through the process of writing a high-quality, academic essay is an extremely challenging and demanding task. No matter what faculty of study one is enrolled in, the pressure of trying to produce a piece of work that is well researched, well presented and importantly, achieves the best possible result can weigh heavily on the student. There is a constant need to produce work of a high standard coupled with the necessary requirements to attain the best possible result in order to realize the hope of going onto achieving a rewarding and high paying job.

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