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The Importance of Academic Integrity

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1. Introduction

Students are getting more and more lazy when it comes to doing school work. The world has changed dramatically with the broad acceptance of the internet. Professors are now able to seek services that allow students to get papers completed for them and never know that the student is cheating. Some professors require students to hand their assignments in to sites such as SafeAssign, a service offered by Blackboard which will search the web for matching content. Students are aware of this and still feel as if they will not be caught. Although, at times this is true, when students do get caught cheating and plagiarism there can be some serious consequences. This paper will further explain academic integrity and plagiarism, and how students engaging in these acts may lead to unintentional consequences.

2. Consequences of Buying Essays

The consequences of turning in a purchased essay are huge. The first and most obvious is that the student has wasted $50-$100 on something he could get done himself. Not only is it a waste of money, but also this act violates the student academically. The student knows that this is a wrongdoing and therefore it has put a burden on his conscience. This guilt of knowing he did something wrong will affect the student. If the student did not care about his academic integrity, then he would not have cared to buy the essay. Now, having purchased the essay, this student will become lazy and will always want to take the easy way out. According to a study done at the University of Texas at Austin, “Of 42,000 high school students surveyed, 59% admitted cheating on a test during the last year and 34% had cheated more than twice” (1). With this in mind, buying essays can start a downward spiral of letting others do the work for them. This could affect their future because once out of school, they will be required to do tasks which they may have someone else do because they chose not to. This can also come back to haunt a student when applying for jobs. For instance, some top-notch companies will require a potential employee to write an essay to see how well they can do it. It indeed is a small price to pay, but it is very embarrassing to fail or get caught having someone else write the essay.

3. Benefits of Upholding Academic Integrity

If a student takes a positive approach and makes small gradual progression with their intellect using academic integrity, they will have a positive end. They shall learn to master their skills, stand confident, and have greater self-esteem with every passing day. Their goals shall be set straight on, and the path to success becomes clearer, and they will have no regrets for any wrongdoings.

Academic integrity is a commitment to the five fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. It comes as it’s said, “if you play with fire, you will get burned.” So, the taking of any sort of unethical action may lead to a situation that may prove no less than a fire to ruin the career of a student. At UAEU, there is a compact set of rules and regulations and a policy for any default against the academic integrity of a student. There are several forms and types of penalties a student may face, for example, failure for an assignment or a course. The most severe penalty for a student could be dismissal from the university.

Education at United Arab Emirates University follows the codes of conduct of United Arab Emirates society. In cases of any misbehavior or committing any unethical activity, it will lead to failure of the student throughout the university. So, a clear goal that UAEU students should have is to develop intellectual reliability and ethics. It can affect a student’s career throughout their life. For every student of UAEU, academic integrity is a core element and integral to their education.

The pursuit of a higher education is an investment in time and money. The benefits of an education are career-long and life-long. Essay writing is one way for the student to evaluate new ideas and work out theories. It provides an environment in which to test and learn what they think about a subject. The intellectual activity provides students with a better understanding of new subjects, which they can take with them beyond their college courses. For many, this is the most important lasting benefit of their undergraduate education.

4. Strategies for Avoiding Plagiarism

– Take good notes. When taking notes try using your own words whenever possible. If you do use a direct quote make sure that you record the quote accurately and put it in quotation marks. Make a note of the source of the quote so that you can reference it later. If you are doing a lot of research it can sometimes be difficult to remember where you read certain information. If you copy from a source word for word it is still considered to be plagiarism even if you do acknowledge the source.

– Start all your work as early as possible. This will give you a better chance of assimilating the necessary information in your own words. It will also make it less likely that you will rush out a piece of work that is largely the result of cut and paste.

It is widely agreed that the most effective ways to avoid plagiarism are to be well prepared and to ensure that any work that you hand in is your own. The following suggestions can help you to avoid accidental plagiarism.

5. Conclusion

In essence, academic integrity is the commitment to learning, understanding, and carrying out the values of education. Without it, society crumbles, and individuals turn to a life of egocentric materialism. Throughout history, great minds have shown that wisdom and strength of character prevail. It is this strength of character that we wish to inspire in our students, and it is this character that will enable great leaders of tomorrow to solve the world’s problems. In order to accomplish this, a sustained effort on behalf of educators, students, and the community is needed to confront the issues surrounding academic integrity and make an active attempt to affect positive change. High standards of conduct and discipline will provide answers, and adherence to the fundamental principles of integrity will lead us to a success that cannot be measured by grade point average or test scores. By promoting academic integrity, we are providing a better tomorrow for our global community.

In conclusion, academic integrity is of critical importance at all levels of education. It is the foundation for students to build their future upon. It eases the transition to the working world and demonstrates to students the ways of life and society. Success and accomplishments cannot be achieved through unethical measures; the satisfaction of knowing you have achieved something through hard work and determination is priceless. This is the message academics and professors should relay to their students, and as they transition into society, they will carry this on to future generations. It is only through active demonstration of academic integrity that we can begin to affect societal change and cultivate a culture of integrity.

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