biology essay format

biology essay format

The Importance of Understanding Biology: A Comprehensive Essay

1. Introduction to Biology and its Significance

Biological science patronizes the ethic of conservation and preservation of biodiversity and life. It is an important consideration in the context of preserving the structure of ecosystems on the planet Earth. The world is endowed with countless ecosystems, including both terrestrial, marine, freshwater systems, and also man-made systems such as agricultural and industrial settings. These ecosystems supply the ecological support systems that every living creature and man for his survival needs for his existence. The availability of all these flooding life-supporting systems marks the differences in the very existence of life when compared with other known planets in the universe.

Biology studies the science of life. It offers us significant facts and principles that govern all living beings. To introduce the various aspects of the subject of the biological sciences, the scope is so wide-ranging and certainly evolving. However, the major concerns are the crucial questions of life and living things. What is the future of man as a biological organism, now and in the coming centuries? What are the major challenges that humans must face in the centuries to come? Humans ought to have a clear understanding of and appreciate the objective of evolution. There are several concepts, principles, and values of biology that one needs to identify, discover, learn, and value. These are shapes of life, diversity of life, unity of life, interdependence of living things, biological systems which describe complex interconnections, biological evolution, science, technology, and society.

2. Key Concepts in Biology

First, you should be familiar with the concept of a biological “system.” Quite often, animals like humans are commonly treated as one big store of gallons of blood, miles of nerve fibers, thousands of structures called cells, set upon an extremely complex framework of many organic molecules. In biology, we refer to something like this as a system. A system usually refers to a group of related things or concepts in biology taking the natural condition of the universe. Every biological system operates under one or a series of physical laws. The fact that biological systems do not operate in controlled conditions often leads many scientific disciplines to accuse biology of not being rigorous.

In this tutorial, I present the most important concepts in introductory biology. Some of these are ones you may have already seen throughout high school; others will be entirely new and quite exciting. In the sequence of these articles, I have attempted to begin with the most important and theoretically useful, and continue to those most related to application. Note that my emphasis here is not on the particular facts themselves, but on how you can use the fact in your career in the years to come.

3. Applications of Biology in Various Fields

3. Biomass Field: It includes the development of various insects, bacteria, or algae for extraction of fat and/or carbohydrates, crop yield improvement, and overall utilization of the substance for the purpose of generating energy and recycling the substances. Although it can be considered as a comparatively new methodology, it is being applied to develop suitable forms of producing yeast and other micro-organisms capable of producing alcohol by the process of fermentation of sugars. Such products can be made available for the production of arack and rum.

2. Genetic Field: There are different species of living organisms and most of the species have more than one variety. All of us, even those who might not have much knowledge about biological subjects, have realized one thing: that the individuals from one species can produce only the individuals of the same species and they will not show distinguishing criteria related to any other species. Permitting this type of breeding behavior, even the different heredity patterns of individuals of the same species can be attributed to a set of double helix structure pieces in each chromosome of an individual. Such a structure is referred to as a gene. Since a gene has some sequence of amino acids, it is capable of synthesizing a specific kind of protein or enzyme. These proteins and enzymes have the capacity to give all the types of qualitative and quantitative expression to all the types of hereditary characteristics. It is because of these reasons when the gene that is giving an unfavorable characteristic to an individual is discontinued and replaced with a gene having the capacity to show favorable behavior, the individual representing the species can be persuaded to show any type of hereditary characteristic. Utilization of genetics principles is performed for increasing the yield of cloth, quantity and quality of milk and meat, improving the health of individuals, productivity of members of people race, detection of hereditary genomes and successful production of phase I infected persons. These can be considered as some of the examples which go on to show the wide range of science of biology.

1. Medical Field: The development of various processes for diagnosis and treatment of different types of diseases can be considered as basic biology related to medicine. The basic knowledge or understanding about the cause and effect relationships of different types of diseases is necessary before coming to a conclusion about the most suitable method for treating the disease. Considering the rapidity and the extent of success achieved in the medical field by applying principles of biology, the applications of biology to nutritional requirements of the human being, various other questions related to public health are innumerable, and the necessity to apply principles of biology becomes mandatory at all levels of life care.

Biology has its applications in various fields, which have been described as follows.

4. Current Developments and Future Directions in Biology

The majority of genetic engineering takes place through the directly controlled input of nucleic acids, rather than the more complex. Also, the processes regulating DNA accessibility are among the earliest events at the start of embryogenesis, permit the transfer of epigenetic information held for years in germ-line nuclei and, thus, influence the prospects of the future individuals created from modified germ lines. Epigenetic marks may be lost or altered during reprogramming and can contribute to somatic cell identity. Such information has medical relevance: epigenetic information may be altered during the progression of diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, leading to different somatic mutations in every cell. Correcting these mutations depends on repairing the patient’s own genome by using a patient-specific strategy, such as CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing.

The first initiative we would like to consider is the Human Genome Project (HGP) that has been a major driver for advances in biology that also have impacts on our understanding of the human brain. This program used computational and physical technologies to generate a reference sequence for the human genome. In the 17 years since this project was completed, the cost of sequencing has dropped dramatically, allowing rapid advances in the areas of medical genomics, personal genomics, and evolution, the study of populations and demographic history. These approaches all contribute to a better understanding of the biology-based influences on the behavioral, cognitive, and social aspects of human development. Furthermore, the central dogma of molecular biology states that information stored in DNA is encoded and transmitted eventually through RNA into proteins.

5. Conclusion: The Relevance and Implications of Biological Understanding

Of course, the scientific method doesn’t stand alone and can’t answer every question we might formulate. Science does have limits, and we should recognize them. The scientific method allows us to gather empirical and measurable evidence to describe the natural world, formulate theories that predict phenomena, and adjust the theories as new discoveries are made. When we ask questions about supernatural phenomena, questions that cannot be addressed with data gathered through observation or experiment, we reach the boundary of the boundaries of the scientific method. In the study of biology, our questions are answered about life as we know it. The causes and effects of processes and events that scientists study all occur within our natural world. Experimental manipulations are the basis for hypothesis formation, each tested during experimentation. Each potential hypothesis and the evidence leading to its formulation and experimental testing are published and widely disseminated throughout the worldwide body of practicing scientists.

Understanding biology is necessary for a public that must make informed decisions and is interested in the implications of discoveries in science. New discoveries can affect everything from disease treatment regimens to the value of foods to how life develops and is maintained. As our lives expand into areas that are relevant to the findings of biology, understanding the findings and their implications also expands. Although it is important for scientists to understand the scientific content well and to seek further discoveries, it is equally important for all members of the public to appreciate the content, to understand the implications and directions, and to engage in debates about the applications where scientific advancements and discoveries impinge. The science contained in all of these articles and papers arose from scientific research addressing basic, unanswered, and important questions about biology. Discovery arose from careful application of the basic characteristics of the scientific method. In this essay, I emphasize understanding the central importance of the scientific method.

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