academic writing experts

academic writing experts

The Art of Academic Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Introduction to Academic Writing

This manual is intended to assist professionals in the writing of scientific papers, especially in the accounting field. Researchers, practicing accountants, students, and other professionals can also be assisted. In addition to those, graduate students developing theses and, particularly, doctoral dissertations, will find this kit useful. This toolkit should be beneficial to a range of related value-added students. Although some instructional content, particularly the larger area of English-speaking regions, is directed at the use of scientific paper writing, many of the ideas and materials can also be helpful in writing papers at a doctoral level in related disciplines, such as personal literature courses.

Academic writing is a critical skill distinct from creative and other types of general writing. Students are expected to write many types of research and non-research papers in translating their learned knowledge into scholarly written formats. Knowledge-based and college-related conceptualizing of academic writing are examined in this paper. Specification was emphasized, in an engineered fashion, for the development of scholarly academic articles, research papers, theses, and dissertations. Establishment and word usage, disciplinary style application in terms of development and its information structure and development, proposition usage, and defining style applications are considered first.

2. Structuring Your Paper

The research or planning phase is a key part of the writing process. It is underpinned by some recognition of the need to write, possibly within an area of interest or knowledge, but always sustained by awareness of the expectations of academic writing as directed by specific assignment instructions. To write within the bounds of the assignment questions, wide and thorough reading, broad information-gathering, and specific note-taking to respond to these boundaries are necessary. Ways of cutting down material gathered through intense and messy initial exploration to a manageable, supportable, and tenable argument, these are the principal activities of the preparation phase of writing. There are typically separate stages of planning during this routine, each of which reflects gradually increased awareness of the finite, defined conditions of the questions to be answered and the considerations laid down within the instructions for the research assignment.

Effective structural organization is something that every profession needs to ensure clear communication and easy retrieval. Whether it is a legal argument or a business proposal, effective structure is needed if the receiver of your text is to follow your ideas. This is especially true in academic writing. The writing process is complex, involving many different processes. These processes can be divided into preparation, drafting, and re-drafting. Although we describe drafting as the second stage of writing, it is important to stress that planning occurs throughout the writing process. Thus, after the initial reconnaissance (section 1), you will have worked in some way on all of the different steps outlined in Figure 1 to prepare the paper. In short, you may well have an outline plan from the start of the process. For example, when you first began to collect and file sources, you were already carrying out the next stage of writing as well as a part of the initiation/emergence stage.

3. Developing a Strong Thesis Statement

Each proposed or considered topic within the essay should have some relevance to your thesis statement. It is the argument and how you decide to present and back up your argument that will influence your decision on how to structure your essay. Do not use two negatives to make a positive. It’s also a great place to remind the reader exactly why your topic is important. A thesis statement should be as specific as possible and address one main idea. Should some deep probing to the written language. A writer should set a purpose and focus in the right frame on an analysis of a successful analytical writing.

A strong and well-crafted thesis statement often cannot be achieved in one draft. A strong thesis is likely to evolve as the writer thinks critically and writes purposefully. The goal is just to get something on paper; the actual words and sentence structure can be revised later. After a rough draft is written, the writer can try out other ideas to help identify which thesis settles best with the writer’s purpose. Ask questions about each thesis to see if the thesis is complex enough to impact a paper or simplistic enough to argue first. Then the writer should ask whether the varied content would seem coherent and meaningful to the reader. Not all thesis statements can be crafted as questions. As a writer, keep the thesis statement in mind.

4. Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism

Citing your sources also has another critical function: it builds the credibility of your argument and the strength of your credibility. You need to be able to demonstrate to your reader that A, you have found credible sources that support your ideas, and B, a thoughtful, well-crafted analysis of those sources will help advance the original thesis of your project. How do you manage all of this? First, by remembering to build a thoughtful and focused analysis of why your sources are credible. This usually falls under the “analysis” part of the paper. In addition, how and where you integrate quotes and paraphrases of other people’s words is crucial to developing a balanced, focused argument. Make sure that you think about when and where these quotes and paraphrases are being used.

Being a committed academic writer means not only searching for and finding reliable sources to support your ideas and inform your project, but also effectively and correctly using those sources. This does not mean you need to come up with a unique thesis or perspective on a topic, or navigate the scholarly conversation all by yourself. It simply means that when you use someone else’s words, ideas, or research, you must give that author credit for their work.

5. Editing and Revising Your Work

Revision is in many ways similar to prewriting in that it does not follow a sequential pattern. Nor is it identical with editing. Nevertheless, it may be helpful to envision the editing and revision process in stages. The first stage of the revision process is a general overview of the composition to make sure that it reflects your intentions and that the evidence supports your thesis and sub-points. The second stage is a detailed editing of both content and style. The third stage, revision, may need to be repeated many times as you work and rework your paper until it effectively meets your audience’s needs. You need to schedule enough time to be able to let the essay lay for a day or so and then approach it critically. Be honest with yourself as you read to see if you’ve communicated clearly and effectively. Make every correction and improvement you can see before the paper is submitted. All of us are blind to our own mistakes. That’s why it’s important to get as much feedback as possible. We suggest that you first use the services of the writing lab, writing center, or tutor at your school. Once you’ve gotten their suggestions about what to work on, ask a few people who can be critical about continuing problems and built-in biases. Preferably this person will have some experience in writing if they themselves are not published. Make sure they feel comfortable enough to suggest any changes they feel might be beneficial. You don’t have to make any or all of the changes they suggest; indeed, you have an assignment, a right to defend your decisions and your paper to its weaknesses. Keep looking for ways to improve it as long as time allows. With time, you can become the harshest and most helpful critic of your own work. Keeping that in mind as you revise will take some of the difficulty of making changes.

Revision can be a painful process. It is easier to ask for an extension of time than to subject yourself to the unpleasant experience of critiquing and reconstructing what you’ve so carefully crafted. Yet the payoffs of revision in terms of improved content and increased clarity are so obvious and so immediate that they are well worth the discomfort involved. Often a significant portion of the information most vital to the effectiveness of your reading is discovered and developed during the revision process.

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