online writers thesaurus
The Ultimate Guide to Using an Online Writer’s Thesaurus
Welcome to the ultimate guide to using a writer’s thesaurus and other tools that will help you beef up your writing game. In the coming pages, you’ll find all the resources you need, from how to use a thesaurus to tips on being a better writer, to instructions on how to make the best use of your writing time. If you’re the kind of writer who writes and writes and then stands back and wonders why you’ve used the same adjective 188 times in a 5000-word story, or you think your writing would soar with the use of a slightly different verb or noun, then this guide is for you. Being good with words and an able and ambitious writer isn’t just about the plot. Every detail counts and we can help you. We’ll start with where it all began—the very first thesaurus. Then follow by explaining how to use an online writer’s thesaurus and how to get the most out of it. Keep reading—I promise it will be worth your time. Note: Throughout this guide, find the answers to the questions in the other section titles that follow. If you want to get right to the answers, you can always jump to the other toolbar to see your options. Ready? Good. Let’s write.
Building one’s vocabulary is directly linked to improving and expanding the deployment of that knowledge. Carefully selected words foster understanding, provide greater detail, enhance reading experiences, and more concisely communicate writers’ intentions. Digital rewards that do not exist in paper editions include instant dictionary-like searches, a built-in spell checker, and hyperlinks to usage examples from many sources. Immediately jump to specific terms, learn new words, or see how word usage has evolved over time, free from the distractions of other windows or sidebars, uncluttered by the constraints that minimal space allows, integrating powerfully focused information seamlessly into one’s writing environment.
Writers have long used physical thesauruses to improve their compositions, discover inspiration, and vary terminology. Saving valuable time and effort, a digital writing thesaurus costs a fraction of traditional books that collect dust, provides immediate results, and typically comes integrated with writing software. Instantly see words, definitions, and how they are used in context, selecting more appropriate language, cultivating more descriptive passages while avoiding overly complex or redundant terminology.
2. Different writing projects, in addition to differing personalities and styles, call for writer’s assistants to pick, choose, and weight qualities like risk level, reader interest, complexity, and knowledge level. When you’re writing to inform, description factors tend to reflect this type of storytelling. However, readers have areas of interest and expertise where complexity and risk will not spy the necessary flag. We can only lead our attention. By classifying the risks you take using this thesaurus – a commonly adopted risk management practice – you are employing myriad factors into your writing projects. For example, user interest gravitates around reader interest classification. Your classification would focus on the novice in woodworking. Then search for other terms which would indicate lower levels of interest and for appropriate replacement phrases.
1. When you first download or bookmark your writer’s thesaurus, you need to familiarize yourself with its various features. First scan the introduction features. Read the instructions also, and then browse through a few of the listings of words – new words as well as the select few which are fabulous to describe whether phrases, commas, and verbs. Get a feel for the information contained in each report. Familiarize yourself with any exception notices. After which, take a look at the synonyms listed under each word. Ask yourself if risk degree and alphabetical listing style are helpful at this juncture. What about the grading information and the index?
If you’re out of ideas, can’t seem to hone your story, or feel like your character development is lackluster or just plain average, having a writer’s thesaurus on hand or bookmarked is the most useful shortcut in the ever-growing minefield of writer’s blocks those of us who write for a living must face. Probably no other aid is quite as effective in helping you evolve an everyday thought into an engaging, provocative, and readable piece of work. There are hundreds of thousands of words available, but with so many choices, how can you instantly zero in on the one word that will next click to your reader?
If only one finder can be opened, click on the desired word, and the meaning of the word will be displayed in the currently open thesaurus. When you have multiple word definition preferences for a given word (for instance, medical versus technical versus literary), copy the word list to a text file to save “flipping” time when looking for a word meaning. To speed up the change-over process, cull the word list to include only those words that are new to your thesaurus knowledge as compared with the word list of another similar meaning word. Since the different dictionaries often find different subsets of all the possible word senses, employing just two finders together will locate the new word within a window of twenty-five words of effectively different root meanings.
If your word processing package supports multiple open windows, open two thesaurus windows at either end of your screen so that two different thesaurus listings can be viewed when required. When you click on the first thesaurus window, the word entry a synonym list will be displayed immediately. And for the second window, the word entry will display the word list/location information for the word in the same location. Otherwise, the word box will continuously switch between windows as you switch between word and thesaurus documents.
Be cautious: At one time, content seemed to be king on the Internet. The more times the right keywords showed up on a page, the more rankings increased on search engine sites. Those who wanted to increase the number of page views could care less about context – they only wanted their rankings to increase. These are no longer the good old days. While it is fine to experiment with a thesaurus you find online, always remember that the context of the word usage is even more important during revision than the keywords incorporating it. Always try to improve your writing first without any prompts from anyone. Then, use the resources available to supplement the revisions in making your query for the thesaurus a stronger and more exciting one.
The right online thesaurus can mean the difference between a good writing day and an exasperating struggle with even the first sentence. But when something doesn’t seem to be working quite right, should you use an online writer’s thesaurus when you do not know why your story feels off? On the one hand, the mere availability of so much technology leads many to rely on it. But on the other hand, it also leads a growing number of people to dismiss a valuable tool just because it is available on the Internet. Like every other aspect of your professional life, the use of an online thesaurus comes down to choices.
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