importance of history essay

importance of history essay

The Importance of History: An Essay Exploring the Relevance and Impact of Studying the Past

1. Introduction to the Significance of History

Now, more than ever, the argument for the study of history is crucial. If we humans blow ourselves to smithereens, human history will cease to be. No study of human being will remain except for a few texts and some artifacts. More likely is that the problems that confront us daily will lead humanity to self-inflicted destruction through overpopulation, self-indulgence, and over-consumption of finite resources. A study of human history can provide us with important clues as to how the human species has responded to the appealing circumstances which have confronted it in the past, and how and why we are likely to respond to these circumstances in the future. In short, a study of human history can provide us with the tools which will enable us to avoid the pitfalls of our past, perhaps so that we may plan a better future.

Why study history? The answer is because we virtually must, to gain access to the laboratory of human experience. When we study it reasonably well, and so acquire some usable habits of mind, as well as some basic data about the forces that affect our own lives, we emerge with relevant skills and an enhanced capacity for informed citizenship, critical thinking, and simple awareness. The paradox of education is precisely this – that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.”

2. Understanding the Role of History in Shaping the Present

First and foremost, the past is often used by the general public as an argument to justify the status quo. This is dangerous and deceptive, given that the institutional structure and economic relationships seen today are the result of historical processes, which both combat and generate differences. Today, it is culture, values, and historical models that crystallize a balance of power and make conflictive situations appear as inescapable fatality. Awareness, through a new history well known and shared, may open possibilities not normally considered. Social change becomes a continuous and widespread expectation, unbound by prejudice, and no longer veins where ignorance and poverty undermine the dormant ability to change reality. This view of history does not neglect the suffering of the past; on the contrary, it makes past experiences into weapons to be used to win a better future. The aim is not to recall in sweetness old stories of an ersatz golden age, but to draw from history to construct a framework of interpretive reference to understand what is happening today in order to change it with awareness and active participation.

History, thus, is a study of the past which then helps us derive our identity, our values, and our achievements. These in turn are, however, presented by history—not simply as bare facts but also as a narrative. This presents history as a complex factor; it is not simply taught to others but, on the contrary, in which we are all deeply implicated. The past is an input in the construction of our everyday life. This essay is about this process and its historical component, its implications, and the version of humankind it generates. It provides a new framework for interpreting the world and an analysis of social relationships.

3. Critical Analysis of Historical Events and Their Implications

Historians must be able to explain why actions were taken and what motivated them. A descriptive reaction generally will not suffice for most challenging historical processes when historians will be asked why groups acted beyond sheer momentum. For example, why did the European Witch Craze occur when it did? Why so many in such a short amount of time? Why were the victims overwhelmingly women? Why were healers targeted? This desire to explain historical events is a foundation of any academic discipline, but history is particularly good at identifying the causes of behavior, assessing which seem most plausible, and determining which are the most important in terms of effect. Such analysis cannot be done without extensive research into what happened.

Thirdly, the study of history requires the critical analysis and study of historical events and their implications. Anybody can describe the sequence of events; it takes expertise and analytical power to give meaning and causation to historical processes. One expert states that his goal is to help students “understand the links between their cultural environment and those of non-western peoples of the past, focusing on such topics as the nature of political power, the genesis of social inequalities, the role of men and women in society, the effects of cultural contact and exchange, and the relationship between humankind and the environment.” The heart of social studies is to help students develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for society.

4. The Value of Historical Knowledge in Decision-Making and Policy

Until policymakers’ knowledge of history is eroded through years of politicking or public knowledge, historical knowledge is crucial. Policy advisors depend on expertise. Without knowledge of historical facts and events, the ability for one to lead, advise or decide in an impartial manner is defunct, and the minimizing effect of history upon policy is lost. If embedded historical contextual knowledge is absent, so too is the impartiality of another. Peter Schwartz, a specialist in the art of scenario building for the Department of Defense and Royal Dutch Shell, states, ‘The most useful scenario strategists are people who are deeply knowledgeable about the subject, who can give the other side an initial plan, for the likelihood of particular futures occurring’. This statement hinges on the fact that, to advise, one must know a multitude of historical events. A similar requirement is needed to govern. Therefore, having the ability to foresee policy outcomes encourages sociably favorable decisions. Elected commissioners involved with decision-making can give the other side an ‘initial plan, for the likelihood of particular’ policy outcomes occurring in the hope to get the best result.

The study of history is important because it helps shape our decision-making and the policies we make, and is the best way to figure out what the unintended consequences of our decisions may be. In short, history matters. Our perception of history shapes the way decisions will be made. If we misperceive our own past, we are likely to do a very poor job making policy in the present. Historians’ ability to gather facts that make up our past, to gather evidence that will shape the debates over the ways in which we should govern – that work is valuable. As an example of this, British historian Niall Ferguson has pointed out that historical knowledge could have resulted in a more successful outcome of the recent war in Iraq: ‘Had more American people been able to tell the difference between a Sunni and a Shia, the war might have been shorter.’ His point is that failure to understand the many social and religious nuances within Iraq blinds us to the difficulties we will, or are, currently facing. Predominant knowledge of history could prevent this scenario, so therefore historical knowledge is crucial for decision-makers.

5. Conclusion: Reflecting on the Enduring Importance of History

The original question that I posed and which also gives the focus for this conference is to ask the question “Why should anyone care about the history of science and mathematics?” We could also supplement this question and ask to what end ought we to study history. Both are valuable questions, and both are both simple and demanding to answer. The answer to the first question and the subsidiary question of the end of history are rooted, in my perspective, upon an Enlightenment conception of history. This purposive history highlights those achievements that have advanced the cause of human progress and development, rooted in both the advances in knowledge and its technological applications. However, there are also other perspectives upon this issue, among them, Reinhart Koselleck’s notion of history, which is rooted in the words, identities, and conceptual vocabularies that signify the presence of incongruities and discontinuities within the historical record. Both of these perspectives – one with its focus on purposive history and the other upon history as a compilation of discontinuities – offer different approaches for historians; and we as historians can and ought to be able to use our vital skills of selection and interpretation to occupy both perspectives.

History has a long history of being under threat, particularly within the school system. Every generation appears to be re-evaluating the purpose of historical studies and choosing to focus on the ideological demands that schools place upon historical studies. However, history has managed to reinvent itself and continue to forge a place for itself within the school and within intellectual endeavor more broadly. This should come as little surprise because history is an inherently fascinating field of study. It allows us to revisit the past, to grapple with dilemmas that are both different and yet similar to the ones we face today, and allows us to confront the lives of people who lived and, in most instances, died, and bequeathed a world to us that we both live in but also have the opportunity to transform. We ignore history to our detriment.

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