best free ai writing tools

best free ai writing tools

The Benefits of Using AI Writing Tools

1. Introduction

When examining the silhouette of our everyday tasks as writers, we can see the capstone of the production process: producing the labor of our gumshoe efforts. The towering ziggurat is hidden at the base where we research our subject, note facts, consider how we want to accomplish the task at hand, create and revise an outline, or build a composition, ordering our materials before we even string our sentences together. Traditionally—and after gathering notes for a piece—researchers or essayists like us would have to spend tens, if not hundreds, of hours to fully materialize the full weight of our plans, only to change a full lower tier or lose a block in the top should it not fit our carefully conceived notions.

When it comes to professional writing, artificial intelligence (AI) can be a writer’s best friend or biggest enemy. Some AI writing tools can create fantastic outputs rapidly and with ease, but are they of any real value? Can’t anyone write, or is there an art to it? If so, can AI cultivate real writing skills beyond the basic concept of teaching a bot to put words together? Even more, how can AI inspire real writers to achieve their potential in executing longer, more complicated projects like white papers or technical documentation where talent in flowery language and correct grammar will only get you so far? More interestingly, can AI do what many believe it won’t: help people grow as writers?

2. Section 1: How AI Writing Tools Improve Efficiency

While the usefulness of AI-driven writing tools provides special case creativity solutions, it is always important to remember that any content from these tools will require careful editing to be suitable for broad consumption. Remember, AI writing tools are meant to help content creators; don’t expect them to do the job for you entirely!

To critique this type of AI-driven content creation, it is important to appreciate where these tools actually improve writing processes and where they fall flat. AI writing tools exist specifically to speed up the process of crafting written content for a webpage, report, blog post, or any other type of document. These tools are useful because they can be deployed to quickly write sections of content on, for example, repetitive topics that require little variation. AI can be useful for “writing” about data-driven topics in the form of predictive text. But combining predictive text with reports that are programmed to combine data into templates can create valuable drafts of content for a report without expertise in the topic by simply plugging in the required data.

AI writing tools leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to do everything from suggesting better word choices to spitting out data-driven predictive text in the form of complete paragraphs. A few of my favorite AI writing tools worth looking into are Wordsmith by Automated Insights, Articoolo AI, BrightEdge’s Autocreate, and any.pixel. In addition, there are AI content creation tools often used in non-commercial settings like OpenAI’s GPT3. With all of these tools, the user logs in, sets the parameters for the content to be created, and out pops written content.

2.1. Automated Content Generation

Almost every company has a website or blog to disseminate updates to their customers; thus, web content creation has been crucial for business development. It is expected that machine learning techniques, particularly GPT-3 based models such as JarvisQD and SEO-optimized chatbots, shall play a vital role in fulfilling the growing demand for automated content generation. Cross-platform apps like Jarvis write the content that is high in quality and compliant with the guidelines suggested by the search engines to improve its visibility on search. Websites and white papers of leading enterprises are already taking advantage of the capabilities of GPT-3 based models for engaging prospects and customers with comprehensive content. Among the valid applications of GPT-3 powered AI writing, automated paraphrasing is considered the best. Text processing in the prime languages worldwide, including English, Spanish, and French, is challenging due to diverse grammatical, lexical, and syntactic variations. AI writing tools powered by GPT-3 model can process all these languages effectively for improved content generation.

Owing to the advances in machine learning and natural language processing, the present-day automated tools are capable of writing web content, articles, and stories with high standards. Machine learning-based search result filtering, pattern recognition, classification, and prediction techniques are used in building such AI writing tools. In 2019, OpenAI, one of the research companies known for its effective and efficient text-processing AI models, came up with a full-sized GPT-2 model that showed heavy learning from diverse internet data. Later in 2020, it released the GPT-3 model which outperformed all its previous AI models in almost all aspects of text processing.

2.2. Enhanced Editing and Proofreading

On a simpler level: An AI can write complicated perfection on a subject but miss the writer’s usual veiled snark delivered at the wrap-up or worse, not recognize the need to switch views for one paragraph because the human hook needs variety to punctuate it well (just two lowly examples). On a routine level: It is where the true measure of growth, productivity, and the pressure to be faster comes. Content is still about drawing from people’s real experiences, insights, and using phrasing that they are likely to use, and the most effective way to do that is to work with the energy of creation and iteration in your writing as the best AIs do now, but always looking for an unexpected change, not replacing them with another version of themselves.

Basic proofreading falls in the lap of all writers, but editing often leaves writers up a stump. The brilliant thing about using AI writing tools in a professional way is that they can make a writer more efficient and consistent, as well as improve their writing and editing skills exponentially. As writers work with an AI to improve both their writing skills and the way in which they put forth their thoughts, it’s almost as if we have a way to beat our most potent rival. On that note, it is also why we posit that content creation work will never get smaller, only bigger, as humans will always be thought leaders when the complete sum of their private and collective parts are taken as a whole. Being able to temper an AI’s findings with personal context will always lead the way in drama and comedy writing, no matter how advanced the AI is, in our opinion.

2.3. Time-Saving Features

With an AI writing tool like Writesonic, this becomes a much easier task. The software has prompts that generate AI-based content suggestions. This is particularly useful, especially when you don’t know or can’t nail down the content’s direction. From there, you can develop the more complicated drafts, saving time. It also has the feature to automatically complete portions of an existing article in a fraction of the time. The time it saves offers you a range of opportunities like more time to work on your strategy, conduct research, or develop ideas. It can also be a distraction as you no longer have to focus on the mechanics of your writing, allowing you to focus on the magic instead. To conclude, it’s hard to argue against the facts. Time is one of the most valuable things that a writer possesses. With that in mind, using an AI writing tool like Writesonic is the perfect choice in increasing efficiency. It offers the opportunity for you to become a more inventive and imaginative writer along with more time for important things to focus on.

One of the most obvious benefits of using an AI writing tool is that it saves a ton of time. But we aren’t just talking about completing tasks faster. We are talking about the convenience it brings you when creating your content. Here’s an example to put things into perspective. Say you were given the task of writing 10 articles from scratch. That massive task could take a couple of months to complete if you were to put together a basic strategy, develop an outline, conduct thorough research on the topic, and write the actual piece. The process of completing the drafted piece is another project to work on in itself. That would take a lot of time and effort to complete.

3. Section 2: The Accuracy and Quality of AI Writing Tools

Content creation tools with AI seamlessly integrate with the content creation process. Advanced services can help in creating anything from simple paraphrasing to rich and imaginative content. Uses of such intelligent content creation tools range from marketers writing the perfect social media post to exploring the latest article on a popular blog. Everything from press releases and research papers to children’s stories and even the code written by users on sites like GitHub can be improved by leveraging these tools. Smart content creators often use a wide range of options to generate pieces with restricted access, edit drafts, suggest rephrasings, or produce relevant ideas – and thus model much of the writing process. Even though content creators are optionally connected to the Open AI API through another service, and not directly to the writing tool itself, these options are still commonly referred to as “smart capabilities.”

When we hear the word “robot,” many things come to mind. We may think of robotic vacuums, cars that park themselves, or a full-fledged humanoid capable of performing tasks. Even so, robots besides simply vacuum cleaners are steadily making their way into our everyday lives. Today, robots can create our to-do lists, write news articles, and even play role-playing games – and these changes are not always sensed by users.

3.1. AI-Driven Language and Grammar Checkers

In the countless years of translating back and forth, an AI model learns words, phrases, and sentence patterns comparable to the source language model. In controlling translations to or from the model, we induce mid-level representation within the AI to a European Language Process’s training. In this paper, we explore the model’s ability to generate a counterfeit blueprint of the Earth’s surface using the prior learned mid-level representations. The model should not have gained the ability to use or see the Earth’s physical land mass as it was not something it explicitly tried to predict. Further into the showcase of this technique being used to copy any sort of content the model was trained on, we aim to emphasize the DARKSIDE risks associated with these generative models if used without proper understanding or precautions. We envision scrupulous readers leveraging this information to further understand the potential negative uses of AI as we too are to have the responsibility to foresee and help prevent misuse.

When we think of AI-driven language and grammar checkers, we tend to think of garden-variety error correction tools such as Grammarly and Microsoft Word’s Editor, which check writing for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style errors. And for sure, some teachers might scoff at the idea of having a machine review spelling and grammar errors in students’ work. I feel for those who have to give feedback on large class sizes and cannot fathom grading a bunch of rushed student papers and drafts only to give detailed comments and grading on an assignment. There is a value in automating basic error correction. So long as we invest in teaching the correctable errors to avoid and also train a new AI model to review whole essays and provide the same detailed feedback that a teacher would want to provide, technology can support the writers in their future work. Given that our children will likely be taught to use computers rather than write by hand (as a nursing major, I passed collegiate science classes using my laptop to take the mandatory lab notebooks), we should be responsible and prepare technologies that will both support writers.

3.2. Advanced Plagiarism Detection

When you consider this approach from an advancement standpoint, it is possible to predict the author using different features such as readability, author’s writing style, nomenclatures used, and the end goal: a real-time detection of plagiarism with an improved recall rate.

Understanding advanced plagiarism detection A good plagiarism checker should have a higher recall rate and precision and should be able to provide you with quick verification results. Instead of matching the pieces of text against search indexes, the advanced plagiarism detection mechanism uses a topic signature-based plagiarism checking algorithm where it identifies a corpus of documents that is relevant to the source document. Topic signature is used to mimic the human capabilities of identifying common topics across different documents.

The complexity of plagiarism detection mechanisms is another limitation that makes it prohibitive in nature. Artificial intelligence tools, with their capability to understand languages both natural and programming, and methods from psychology and cognitive psychology as an inspiration for algorithm development, have succeeded in creating advanced AI writing tools with matching capabilities.

Traditionally, plagiarism checks have been carried out with the help of free plagiarism checking tools that are generally not considered as elite sources of knowledge, and hence you end up with only an average assurance level of content’s originality. When you look at some of the paid tools, they offer a better plagiarism detection mechanism, but you still end up spending a lot of time in reidentification and attributing the sources that are misinterpreted. Some tools are quite expensive to explore different search indexes.

Advanced plagiarism detection is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that involves high cognitive effort. You need to write the content, understand the content, identify gaps, and collect references to get started. Once you are done with the creation and writing process, you need to invest time in ensuring if the content is free of plagiarism.

3.3. Natural Language Processing Capabilities

Iterative writing. AI writing tools can also be used as part of an iterative writing process. Techniques such as “rounds of brutal feedback cycles” are incredibly popular amongst copywriting teams because of how effective it is at improving raw writing quality. When using such techniques accelerates an iterative approach, AI writing tools can allow teams to pile through more stacks of the feedback quickly.

Creative agencies worried about the potential AI writing takeover promoting fear of being “completely replaced by robots”. The reality is, as noted by Daniel Kahneman, probabilistic reasoning is something humans are not good at. Humans do not have the same ability as GPT-3 to sift through what Jerry Flannery calls “judgment calls” rapidly and seemingly effortlessly. The capacity of GPT-3 to generate output at a speed humans cannot is what is particularly remarkable.

Recent advances in the field of natural language processing have allowed for a new tool called OpenAI’s GPT-3. GPT-3 is one of the most comprehensive language models to exist. It is capable of receiving a block of text and rewriting the text in a style that matches any start of the internet. As such, AI writing tools leveraging GPT-3 can give the impression of being able to generate a plethora of different texts. However, it is always important to remember that the text was generated by an AI writing tool, even if strong incentives exist to push this fact aside and pretend not to know it to maintain the emotionally effective lie.

4. Section 3: AI Writing Tools for Various Writing Needs

In conclusion, AI writing tools are becoming more useful and practical for writers from various fields. In one click, one can easily generate a high-quality writing that was impossible only a few decades ago. Despite having many unnecessary features to improve, the already amazing features of AI writing tools described in the dropdown menu of writing platforms could be considered by some a good reason to invest, be cautious about, happy and just start using them. While both free and paid options may significantly improve the way people write, it is undeniable that using AI writing tools can make the writing process more effective and enjoyable. As the upcoming AI writing tools are expected to be more advanced, customizable, personalized, and familiar with different cultural, linguistic, and narrative contexts, the potential of AI writing tools for serving different writing characteristics and preferences better will be achieved.

This article has shed light on the key benefits of using AI writing tools. From natural language generation, grammar correction, plagiarism check, and narrative style, AI writing tools possess a wide range of practical applications for various writing needs. With hundreds of AI writing tools that are practically available, there is no doubt that the trend of using AI writing tools is going to be more popular and customizable in the near future. Besides, many free and paid options of AI writing tools have been developed that vary in terms of writing needs, languages supported, usability, and accessibility. Since AI writing tools are not designed as one-size-fits-all, some AI writing tools are better than the others for specific needs. As this article only reviews a selected number of AI writing tools while many others are still under improvement and development, further research on AI writing tools will be highly interesting and beneficial for future adoption.

4.1. Content Creation and Blogging

The creation of content as well as that for the blog (content creation and blogging) can be performed by a wide variety of practices. An AI writing tool eases writers’ workload by offering them assistance in copywriting, translation, and summarization tasks. Because of the fact that the applications understand language and can work with numerous different natural languages, such tools are especially helpful for websites with an international readership. In addition, discussion platforms can make use of the functionalities made available through AI writing tools by integrating these into current human-computer interaction systems. For instance, comments reported on within the net can be quickly summarized and spoken aloud by AI systems through synthesis of voice function. It is also possible to create content from (spoken) content, answering via natural language under topic. In the wide area of content creation, a tool that supports error search can also improve writers’ overall error search ability. In this case, the tool identifies sentences with details or with errors, such as long passages which are difficult to understand or which lack brevity.

It’s useful that numerous AI writing tools, running on interfaces or as a plugin for MS Word, are already available out there. The vast majority of AI writing tools are able to handle numerous tasks. One example is Speech-to-Text, which records spoken words and writes them down in text form. Images can also be recognized and translated into linguistic text as a part of Optical Character Recognition (OCR). The three main sectors in which AI writing tools have most impact are ‘Content Creation and Blogging’, ‘Journalism’, and ‘Writing Teaching and Learning’.

In the world of corporate blogging, writing around a variety of topics is an undeniable must. Whether it be a company’s homepage or its blog, a variety of associated channels typically need to be supplied with content. What’s certain is that exhaustive industry knowledge can usually be found among the company’s own employees. However, the time needed for such content generation constantly seems lacking. Detailed research first needs to be carried out quickly and then this research often somehow needs to be transformed into easily understandable and setup instructions or blog articles.

4.2. Academic Writing and Research

Academic writing is used to transmit expert opinion in a discipline or field to be accessed by newcomers or those looking for facts. The quality of the writing is gauged by the level of the tracked information that is provided, which the reader can use to handle similar research problems. The tracked information could be in the form of a literature review, the argument or claim in the writing drawn from a variety of approaches, as well as testing and validation of the proposed solutions. The information provided will be entities or context referred to in the writing, and finally involved research rod results, which can be estimated in terms of feasibility, quality, and relevancy to the field. There are diverse advantages that result for the readers, stagnant researchers, and the academic staff as seen when they decide to adopt these AI writing tools in their respective works.

Academic writing or research is an important part of an institution of learning, which enhances the total learning process. It is an intellectual and scholarly activity in an academic setting. The objective of academic writing is to spread knowledge, and to a large extent for commercial purposes, such as making the writer or their institution recognized. The quality of academic writing can be assured through a process called academic publishing. After individual consultation with research consultants, the writing is refined and improved with the peer review process where editors and reviewers work together to help the writer improve awareness of the content, which is then detailed to match the field and discipline-specific quality control standards.

4.3. Business and Professional Writing

In finance, speed is key. Those trading with financial instruments or even those managing a company’s finances need velocity. To provide context for the speed, over 80% of trades are executed by machines on the Nasdaq. Any edge available needs to be capitalized. One possible application for stock purchasing could be the use of AI to produce written financial analysis. This would benefit by eliminating thought and care in analyzing data, which could be done at a presumably faster pace. This could be particularly useful for small-time traders, those with less capital to invest in powerful AI or other trading strategies. Truthfully, this is already happening to some extent with Indexing, where bots will allocate capital based on criteria such as market cap. Are the stops of these bots poor, who knows. Movement in popular stock prices suggests a stronger influence than just momentum and fundamentals.

AI holds serious potential to fundamentally reshape business and professional writing. The prosaic nature of business writing is an ideal candidate for the powers of AI. Many businesses will have voluminous amounts of written communication with limited variety. Reports, marketing copy, press releases, policies, and other standard documents are ideal for AI outsourcing. Much like remediation of repetitive media tasks like captions and articles, they could save businesses time and energy. Where this differs from media is the need for more precise understanding, and in some cases context. While much of business writing can be seen as standard, an intensely human context can necessitate tweaking improper AI output. It is currently a less sought AI application compared to conversational or media assistance, and like those applications, it is unclear as to what extent AI will grasp direct context and messaging.

5. Conclusion: Embracing AI Writing Tools for Enhanced Productivity

The scope of skills and capacities of AI though exciting can never exceed humans in every aspect. Rather, humans can always rely on this development to better their capabilities. Some adaptation, creativity, and input of humans will always be required to extract well-organized and coherent communication from the sheer coherence and standardized form of writing of the AI-generated text and transform it into a more relatable communication.

With creativity and relatable conversations, the ingenuity of human’s initiatives is expressed better. Even so, factual and descriptive writing can gain robot writers a lot of audience and attention. And some could notice as happening in the enterprise and technical reports, that the absolute truths can be forged too. But the fact that we can build these models to perform such highly demanding tasks speaks tonnes to the human ability to innovate. And humans will and should continue to improve on critical thinking, creativity and innovation.

Businesses have gained much from the ability of AI writing tools. This technology has led to better productivity due to the shortened time in creating written content, from correspondence to proposals to reports, and of course to creating more creative and relatable written content that remains the hallmark of human’s ingenuity. With the option of contextual AI writing tools, augmented writing makes a persuasive copy more effective and helps communicate complex ideas in a more engaging manner all forms of communication – email, messaging, presentations and the likes – and helps the business exploits its competitive edge better.

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